AT Big Book_Gyms, Fitness Centers, Clubs

G YMS , F I T N E S S C E N T E R S & C L U B S


Monterey, CA

Type: Athletic Facility

AlfaTech provided mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and technology engineering design services for the modernization of the Monterey Peninsula College Gymnasium lower level (Building 22). This phase of the project included repurposing the ground floor athletic facilities; training and equipment rooms, locker room upgrades, Title 9 compliance, offices and classrooms.


Monterey, CA

Type: Gym / PE Complex

AlfaTech provided mechanical and plumbing engineering design services for the Monterey Peninsula College PE Complex. This project included the ventilation of the Pool Equipment Building, HVAC and plumbing for the Concessions building, Press Box Building and Storage Building, remodel of the HVAC and plumbing for the PE Building both 1st and 2nd floors.

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