AlfaTech HVAC System Strategies for Airborne Diseases

H V A C S Y S T E M S T R A T E G I E S F o r A i r b o r n e D i s e a s e s


• Outside air has high bacterial diversity and low average


• Indoor air has low bacterial diversity and high average


• Increased building ventilation rates will help dilute droplet


• Required ventilation rate is not clear, however maintaining a CO2

level of 550 ppm or lower could be a good indicator.

• Buildings located near pollutant sources and freeways should take

additional measures on ventilation air with higher efficiency filtration


• Higher ventilation rates will increase building cooling and heating

loads. Existing system capacity should be analyzed to avoid comfort

issues. Considering lower occupant density in buildings, it is

anticipated that majority of the systems could handle higher rates.

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