AlfaTech HVAC System Strategies for Airborne Diseases

H V A C S Y S T E M S T R A T E G I E S F o r A i r b o r n e D i s e a s e s


• This system is not very efficient with providing occupant isolation.

• Workstation placement should be reconfigured to allow for supply and return air zones. This may result in further reduced occupancy.

• HVAC system ductwork and diffusers should be placed accordingly so that workstations are not located within airstream.

• Supplementary exhaust systems (ducted or unducted) can be considered to guide the air away from occupants at all times.

• Portable filtration systems can be utilized in high traffic areas.

• Personalized ventilation systems can be considered where other measures are not feasible. This option will require drastic

infrastructure upgrades.

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