AlfaTech HVAC System Strategies for Airborne Diseases

H V A C S Y S T E M S T R A T E G I E S F o r A i r b o r n e D i s e a s e s


Displacement ventilation or underfloor installations are more efficient for

pollutant control.

Fresh air enters the space from floor level and takes advantage of

natural thermal buoyancy which sees warmer air rise towards the

ceiling. Along the way, the air currents will force pollutants up and away

from occupants, resulting in a much higher air quality.

In spaces with T-bar ceilings additional return grilles will reduce return

air movement within the occupied space.

With this system the workstations can be reconfigured to create a layout

similar to “hot aisle-cold aisle” configuration. Common supply air will be

provided to the rows back to back and the return air will rise up from the

middle rows. Diffusers placed in return rows will be shut closed.

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