AlfaTech HVAC System Strategies for Airborne Diseases

H V A C S Y S T E M S T R A T E G I E S F o r A i r b o r n e D i s e a s e s


Increase the duration of building purge mode / flush mode to

increase dilution.

Run restroom exhaust continuously 24/7. Increase restroom

exhaust rates if exhaust and make up system capacity allows.

Monitor and control building humidity. Revise dehumidification

and humidification sequences as necessary.

Maintain equal space pressures on all floors in multi-story

buildings to avoid cross contamination between different floors.

❑ Maximize supply air reset sequence for buildings equipped with

this sequence. This would allow more outdoor air and more air

changes within the building.

Disable demand-controlled ventilation and unoccupancy /

vacancy sequences during scheduled business hours where

possible. Use CO2 sensors for particle measurement only.

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