AlfaTech HVAC System Strategies for Airborne Diseases

H V A C S Y S T E M S T R A T E G I E S F o r A i r b o r n e D i s e a s e s


• Large droplets (around 100 m) released from an infected person

will not move further than 2 meters (6.5 feet).

• “Droplet nuclei” is less than 5 m in diameter and small enough to

be transported by air motion, including HVAC systems.

• It is known that the main routes of Covid-19 transmission are

through droplets and physical contact.

• It has not been confirmed if the virus transmits through small

airborne particles and aerosols. However there has been a case in

a restaurant where the HVAC system is in question.* There is also

a study on the aerodynamic analysis of the virus suggesting that

Sars-CoV-2 can be airborne and aerosol concentration is relatively

higher in restrooms.**

* **

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