AlfaTech INSIGHTS: Quarter 1 | 2017
In January, we commenced our BIO social media series, featuring one giJed AlfaTech team member each week. Posted on LinkedIn, Facebook and TwiNer, each BIO introduces our connec'ons to a highly-talented individual, highligh'ng their experience as well as their more personal side (what they like to do for fun!). These BIOs are meant to show the world not only what we can do for them, but to bring a human touch to our professions, portraying us as the approachable, friendly and helpful human beings we are.
This newsleNer covers the first quarter of 2017.
It is intended to keep employees up to date on what is happening in the company, and with its most important asset: our employees. We will issue this newsleNer quarterly, or at least every other quarter. If there is informa'on you’d like to see in this newsleNer next 'me, please let us know!
Keep an eye out for the next BIO here (likes, shares and re-tweets are always appreciated!):
hNps:// company/72220
Send comments to
hNps:// AlfatechConsul'ngEnterprises/
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