AlfaTech Lighting Design Studio

It’s all about c ontrast

When you are in a dark room and you ignite a match, you change the focus of the space. That small flame that in a normal setting would be meaningless, becomes the epicenter of the dark space, stimulating our emotions and entertaining our senses. Our brains are wired to work with comparisons, so to us, it is all about contrast. Lighting design is both an art and a science. It is a dance between aesthetics, functionality, energy usage and cost. It provides the owner with a unique possibility to utilize contrast to determinate hierarchy and produce a space that is both practical and beautiful. But more than just the highlight of architectural components, lighting design has the power to spark emotion and bring drama to a space. It gives that final lawyer, which transform a good design into an unforgettable experience. If architecture represented the human body, lighting design would represent the soul.

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