Corporate Campus Qualifications

eBay, Building 17

San Jose, CA


Tenant Improvement, Core and Shell 189,600 SF LEED Gold

eBay’s North Campus 5 - story addition, Building 17, houses approximately 800 employees from eBay’s PayPal division. The client’s goal was to provide healthful amenities as well as optimal work space. The project included a 12,000 SF fitness center, 500-seat cafe, offices, collaboration spaces and a large data center.. AlfaTech provided engineering design services which included a new core and shell and tenant improvements. AlfaTech also prepared electrical infrastructure design for the installation of a roof-mounted 100kW photovoltaic (PV) panel installation. Services included feeder and panel load calculations, code search, electrical plans, and coordination with the Owner, panel vendors, and the Contractor to integrate the PV panel system into the five- story building’s electrical power distribution and grounding systems.

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