Data Center Qualifications

PROJECT APPROACH Our team of data center experts keeps up with the most up to the minute technology advances and industry standards, as is AlfaTech’s goal to provide each client with the most cutting edge design services tailored to meet their needs now and for any future changing requirements. We know that from project to project, many of the tried-and-true design approaches can help ensure a successful outcome; but as no two projects are exactly alike, our approach must be customized to the individual specifics of each project. For this project, our initial step is to use our custom data center project planning questionnaire to determine the key project goals and success factors and then to use these factors as the touchstone against which all future decisions are made. DATA CENTER PROGRAMMING Data center programming is fundamental in understanding the true business requirements and ensuring the design, and ultimately the construction, meets the business and end-user needs. AlfaTech has developed an extensive data center programming process and methodology that combines IT and Facilities requirements and objectives into a collaborative approach. The programming process consists of individual and/or group interviews, collaboration workshops combined with industry best practices. The programming effort produces a formal Owner Program Requirements (OPR) document that is then used throughout the design and construction process to maintain alignment with the defined business objectives and requirements.

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