K-12 Education Qualifications

Cupertino Union School District

Cupertino, CA

TYPE: SIZE: Nineteen Schools

Various Modernizations

The firm was selected to provide district-wide modernization of both existing and new facilities for 20 schools in the Cupertino Union School District as part of the SB-50 bond measure. Services included mechanical, electrical, plumbing, low-voltage systems, energy management systems, and lighting upgrade. Upgraded facilities include classroom, modular, kitchen, auditorium, and administrative spaces. Previous projects included mechanical, electrical, and plumbing renovations and design for various schools. These includes the Joaquin Miller’s new administration and library building, Lincoln’s new library and renovation of size buildings, McAuliffe’s modernization of six buildings, and Sedgwick’s five new buildings.

Projects: • Blue Hills Elementary School • Carol Murdock Elementary • Collins Elementary • De Vargas Elementary School • Dilworth Elementary School • Eisenhower Elementary School • Faria Elementary School • Joaquin Miller Jr. Middle School • John Muir Elementary School • Lincoln Elementary School • McAuliffe Elementary School • Meyerholz Elementary School • Montclaire Elementary School • Nimitz Elementary School • Portal Elementary School • Regnart Elementary School • Sedgwick Elementary School • Stocklmeir Elementary School • West Valley Elementary School

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