Science & Technology Qualifications

Antelope Valley College, Health & Science Center

Lancaster, CA


New Construction 106,000 SF

This project consists of a new science laboratory and office complex of 106,000 SF located in Lancaster, California. The project includes 44,706 SF of laboratory and classroom space to support the biology, botany, microbiology, anatomy, physiology, physics, chemistry, astronomy, geology, anthropology, and geography departments. Another 21,000 SF devoted to Health Sciences programs including nursing, emergency medical services, surgical, cardiovascular and radiologic technology. Special features of the building include an 80-seat planetarium, Live Animal Room, Cadaver Room, a surgery demonstration lab and outdoor botany greenhouse. The remainder of the building includes 10,000 SF of classroom space, faculty offices, computer lab and a café/dining area. The building has a very unique shape and a very large footprint. It is also in the relatively harsh high desert area of Southern California which presents HVAC design issues among others. Due to the nature of chemicals involved in the laboratories, and high desert winds, a sophisticated wind tunnel test was performed to assure proper exhaust air location and treatment.

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